Opposition Proceedings under the Indian Patents Act
Under the Indian Patents Act 1970, third parties are given an opportunity
to file oppositions against the grant of any patent. There is a specific
RBI guidelines & SARFAESI proceedings?
It is very clear that the Banks should follow RBI guidelines on
Asset-Classification before classifying any loan account as *‘Non-performing
Asset (NPA)’...
RBI guidelines & SARFAESI proceedings?
It is very clear that the Banks should follow RBI guidelines on
Asset-Classification before classifying any loan account as *‘Non-performing
Asset (NPA)’...
The Haj Subsidies Case
The Haj Subsidies case Rafique Bhikan v. Union of India was filed as an
Special Leave Petition in the Suprme Court. The Supreme Court transferred a
Withdrawal of Voluntary Offer: Takeover Code
In a recent landmark order SEBI has held that that a voluntary offer once
made under the takeover code can only be withdrawn under exceptional
Alternative Thinking: Law and Other Things Blog
Here is an interesting article posted on the blog law and other things by
Shamnad Basheer:
Many of us have lamented the fact that although the "national la...
India Seeking New Currency Logo
Branding is the key to marketing, and marketing is essential to promote
anything. India sure is in the process of promoting itself. With the ruling
party w...